Tuesday, April 23, 2019

F Bombs and Employment Law

Can I really be fired for cursing at work?

Some years ago, I had a federal case of age, color, race, and gender discrimination in New York.
At her deposition, my client testified, under oath, that she told her boss, “Go fuck yourself” and then was fired shortly thereafter.

The now deceased federal Judge dismissed the case on Defendants’ summary judgment motion. His honor found, generally, that, when you tell your boss to go fuck himself, you no longer have a viable discrimination/retaliation claim for the jury to decide.

If you’re suffering from discrimination at work, it is important that you reach out to an employment lawyer immediately before you allow it to get so intolerable that you wind up doing something regretful like cursing out your boss.

That is to say, you can be legitimately terminated for hurling f bombs at your boss.
If you or someone you know is suffering at work, contact The Law Office of David H. Rosenberg, P.C.
Problems at work are no problem for us.

Visit www.employeelawnewyork.com for more information

Friday, April 12, 2019

The Case of the Wife Controlling Husband

The Case of the Wife Controlling Husband

Recently, a gentleman called and said that his wife had just been terminated after being sexually harassed for years. I then asked to speak to his wife and he asked, “Why?” I explained that his wife, not him, would be the only person to pursue these claims, and that I would need to speak with her directly over the phone first. 
Image result for sexual harassment at work

He refused and replied, “That’s a first”. I asked slyly, “A first meaning your wife doesn’t use the phone?” He then said “I’m done with you” and hung up the phone. Image result for hang up the phone

Plaintiff’s employment lawyers like myself represent the employee, not the employee’s wife controlling husband. Furthermore, the attorney client privilege only attaches itself to communications with the client. That’s why I must speak with the employee, and the employee only, alone. 

For a free legal consultation to see whether or not you have a plaintiff’s employment case, contact The Law Office of David H. Rosenberg P.C. at (516) 741-0300 or visit us online at www.employeelawnewyork.com 

Problems at work are no problem for us.


The Law Office of David H. Rosenberg P.C. are top New York sexual harassment, discrimination, retaliation, and #metoo lawyers dedicated to providing high quality representation to employees suffering from a hostile work environment. If you or someone you know has been wrongfully terminated, contact The Law Office of David H. Rosenberg P.C. to discuss your options as it pertains to the wrongful termination or potential wrongful termination. Our office is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Employees need to be careful about law firms who boast about their "attorneys" and "associates". This is an indication that the law firm has a high overhead that may render them unable to assist you by fronting costs. These large plaintiff law firms often have figureheads who never actually go to court or do any real legal work. More so, a large law firm is an indication that you will be working with some young, inexperienced "associate" or "attorney" and not the actual "partner". Unlike other law firms, you will no be pawned off on some associate. We do not do that to our clients. Instead, Mr. Rosenberg will represent you, personally. Also, be careful of law firms that show you they practice several different areas of law. Employment law has become highly specialized and requires a law firm to focus solely on that area only. The Law Office of David H. Rosenberg P.C. focuses on employment law exclusively. We are not a "general practice". Instead, we are an employment law firm only. We cover all aspects of employment law including discrimination on account of gender, pregnancy, age, disability, national origin, religion, color, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, as well as retaliation for complaining about discrimination and labor law violations such as minimum wage, maximum wage, and overtime claims. Suffering from discrimination? Retaliation? Unlawful termination? We understand the importance of your job and the implications of being fired or demoted for the wrong reason. If you were fired illegally, you may be able to sue your former employer for monetary compensation to cover your damages and to protect others from similar discrimination and retaliation. At our free consultations, we will tell you your rights and determine if your firing was legal or illegal. Contact The Law Office of David H. Rosenberg P.C. at (516) 741-0300 and online at www.employeelawnewyork.com We are top New York Employment Attorneys who protect employee rights to work in a hostile free environment. For more information:

1. Please visit https://www.employeelawnewyork.com/th... to read our New York Employment Lawyer blog 2. Please visit https://soundcloud.com/user-557822744... listen to our New York Employment Lawyer podcast

3. Please visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fImXQomTqzY&t=21s to view our New York Employment Lawyer video.
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